Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Into the woods...

Everett enjoying a spin around the "teacup-like" apparatus. Both Delaine and Steve asked themselves: "Why did we even get on that thing," and felt a little nauseous for the rest of the evening.

Everett calls this stick his Staff, and insisted that we bring it home, which we did.

Liam, on the other hand, broke or tossed about 10 different sticks on our expedition.

Liam loves being outside, and he LOVES animals, so he was entranced!

Here he is telling me all about the sheep he sees!

Next to our new apartment in Feldkirch there is a nice little path up to the woods. We also found a little park on the way. Everett and Liam found some sticks and started hitting things with them (they are such boys). Liam is our little adventurer. He loves to go outside, whereas Everett tries to convince us to stay in the house. Once we get outside, though Everett has a blast. So one of our kids is a homebody, and the other would spend his whole life outdoors, if possible. Anyway, on this excursion Liam led the way up the path until we reached a field where some sheep were grazing (not sure you can see them in the pictures, but that is what he is entranced with in a couple of those pictures, in case you were wondering).

1 comment:

grammamindy said...

Everett and his sticks (staffs...) I still have one here that he brought back from the hiking the falls in Oregon.