Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Miscellany in Liechtenstein

Mindy, Delaine's mother, visited recently, and we wanted to post a few images of some of the things we have done during her visit. She certainly got a real taste for our day-to-day lives here in Europe. We are so glad that she made the journey despite a busy schedule of her own. The boys were happy to have Oma Lister with them here, and we all had a great time. She seemed to have brought the nice weather with her in the beginning of her trip, but by the end, winter had certainly returned.

Mindy with Liam on her lap. The snow gear was a necessity.

Liam and Everett on a "Double-Deckah" bus, as Liam calls it with his New England accent.

Mindy and the boys in front of the street by our apartment.

Liam and Everett are partaking in the sweet goodness of the pastries of Austria!! Mmmm...

Everett playing Legos, his game face is on...

Everett is so proud of his latest temple picture...

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