Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Tale of Two Continents

Delaine and the boys recently went back to the United States, as we learned that Delaine's grandfather had passed away. We already felt as if we had missed some pretty important family events due to our distance, work, and school conflicts, so when we heard the news, we made the decision to send Delaine and the boys back with Delaine's mother, Mindy. Which was helpful, because they could travel back together.

So we will again be a multi-continental family for a short while. If you see the occasional blog entry or Facebook post from either continent, this explanation should suffice. We will all be back in Europe within the next couple of weeks, and then our EuroFun will resume. Until then, Steve will hold down the fort one continent, and Delaine will be playing with the boys on the other.

Thank goodness for Skype!

I have uploaded our most recent family photos from 2009 (I did this mostly because I miss the family, but also because we got some good snapshots of us all... and I wanted to share)

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